So as I have not been in the office since Thursday (I was sent on a riveting conference in Jerusalem) and Nooman's computer decided to have a meltdown consisting of over 9000 viruses, this is the first chance I have had to let you know about my disappearing act over the weekend.On the Road to NowhereI realized that I have not been on a holiday for a long time; I do not count my trip to England in June as this was less a holiday and more like a shopping exertion. So while I whinged about my lack of break and lack of holiday days to take a proper break, my friend Joel took pity on me and decided that a weekend up North is what was required.
It is such a relief when someone else is happy to make the arrangements, find the location, book the hotel/ Zimmer, and arrange the food! In fact there was pretty much nothing I had to think about other than what clothes I was going to wear and remembering to pack my toothbrush.
Just above the Kinerret is a beautiful Moshav called Had Nes (not to be confused with Loch Nes which is in Jerusalem). This 'Little Miracle' is a getaway location for those of us who live in the city and want to remember what nature looks like. The houses are log cabins, fully furnished with cable TV, DVD players, and a two person Jacuzzi bath.
We arrived around 9pm Thursday night to find that the little log cabin we had seen on the internet was in fact better than we thought it would be! It was a haven hidden behind trees and bushes covered in the sweetest smelling pink flowers. We stood and looked at the place we would call home for the next 2 days and breathed in the freshest air we had smelt since we landed in Israel. After unpacking the car, Joel and Susi set about making dinner, while I opened a bottle of wine and began my weekend's mission of relaxation! Lucky also was settling in, meeting the local dogs and inviting them back to our cabin for food and rest. Our cabin was soon the centre of the dog community in Had Nes… well Lucky is a very pretty dog, and apparently the only bitch in the moshav. Dinner eaten and a bottle and a half of wine later, I decided that it was time to check out the Jacuzzi. Top tip, never stay in a Jacuzzi bath longer that 15 minutes, even after you have turned the bubbles off, it messes with your mind! So feeling totally cloudy and barely able to stand up straight I threw myself into bed and slept soundly until morning.
The Early Bird...
Birds up North are very noisy! Or perhaps it is that there are actually birds living up north as opposed to the bats that fly around Tel Aviv. At 6am, as the early bird catches the worm, the early bird also makes a blummin' racket! But as I was beginning to think that perhaps I had had a little too much of nature, I begin to appreciate the sounds… the smells, everything that is different to the hustle and bustle of Tel Aviv. I mean given the choice of being woken up to a rubbish truck or a swarm of birds, I chose the birds every time!
So in keeping with a weekend of nature, Susi and I decided to take advantage of the horse riding tiyul. While Susi was brought up in Oklahoma and used to horse riding, I have always lived in the city or the suburbs so this was a little out of my league, but I was determined not to be a 'city girl' and to enjoy the best of the outdoors. Trekking through the fields around the moshav I grew more and more relaxed, even when my horse decided to follow Susi's into a trot. My horse was aptly named Whisky, so throughout the trek my only words were "Whoa whoa whoa Whisky!"
Feet firmly back on land, Hugh turned up to find Susi and I dismounting the horses and walking very cowboy like back to the cabin talking about drinking more wine.
Tam Ganban
The evening was spent eating, drinking more wine and beer and chilling out on our porch. We talked about life, love and actively pursued getting our minds and bodies into a deep state of relaxation. Susi tried to teach me a few words in Thai, but the most I managed to remember was the word for doing homework… "Tam ganban", which is a double-entendre for getting it on… as in "you two 'doing homework' ;)"
But this was not a weekend for 'doing homework', despite the fact that the Jacuzzi was for two, and the location was seriously romantic! Admittedly I did fantasize about being there with the LGF, but it was good that we had a weekend apart, and better that it stay just a fantasy. In fact next time I go, I think it should be with the
aim of 'doing homework'. But if not, I will settle for going with the 3 most chilled people I have ever had the privilege of spending a weekend with! And in the kiss ass spirit that I am currently in I want to say a few "thank yous"; Thank you for not making me arrange the weekend, thank you for not making me cook, thank you for not making me do anything that requires thought or effort of any kind; and thank you for being the best!!!
Next time we go we're going to get more than one cabin, so start putting down your names for the next trip!